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Federal Regulations - Cash Management

In an effort to protect students and insure their best interest, the U.S. Department of Education published new cash management regulations (34CFR668.161-167) via the Federal Register on October 30, 2015. The Program Integrity and Improvement rules require Temple University to maintain, account, and disburse Federal Title IV funds in accordance to these regulations. In addition, refunding credit balances associated with Federal Title IV should always be in the best interest of the student. This webpage is published to comply with these regulatory reporting requirements.

On June 1, 2005 Temple University entered a banking services agreement with PNC Bank. The agreement, and subsequent amendments, do not include services for handling student related Title IV credit balance refunds. However, since many Temple University students bank with PNC the U.S. Department of Education requires that Temple University publish the contract for public review by September 1, 2016.

Students DO NOT need to have a bank account with PNC to receive their refund via direct deposit (ACH). Temple University strongly encourages students to shop around to find a banking partner that fits their financial situation and needs. A good place to start is checking out Bankrate.

Student Banking Costs with PNC Bank

Award Year Ending  June 30, 2023

Under Department of Education regulations 34 CFR 668.164(e)(2)(vii), e(2)(viii), (e)(3), (f)(2)(ii),  (f)(4)(iv), (f)(4)(v), and (f)(5), the university is required to publish on its website contract data on the total consideration paid or received in connection with a financial institution or entity that offers financial accounts through a financial institution under which financial accounts are offered and marketed directly to students. The university is also required to publish the number of students and the mean and median student costs. For the most recently completed award year the university and PNC Bank, NA had this type of relationship.  The information required under the regulations is posted below.
Mean Student Costs:  $9.90
Median Student Costs:  $0.00
# Accounts linked to Temple ID: 1,602
Total Monetary Consideration  Paid to the University:  $559,634

(Branch Rent Not Included)

PNC Student Banking Fees

Temple University/PNC Banking Information

Academic Year Payments Received
2022-2023 $559,634